Group support has long been praised as a great form to achieve goals. Running Dads OZ offers just that: support for dads who love to run and work hard to achieve their personal running goals. 

Running Dads OZ is fantastic, it’s probably one of the most supportive groups you could be in as a dad.  If you ever lose motivation the guys are always there to pick you back up.  If you have a good run you’ll get congratulated and patted on the back, if you have a bad run you’ll be supported and encouraged to get back out there and if you have an average run you are given advice on how to make it a better run.

The best way to achieve and succeed in your running goals is to be supported by people who are in the same position as you and have your best interests at heart. Not only does the individual achieve their goal, the group as a whole achieves it too by helping each other get there.

For me personally my last goal was my first half marathon at the end of last year and ran it in Malibu, California.  RDOZ helped me immensely by reinforcing my positive training sessions and getting me back out there the next day and then the day after that and so on. I don’t personally train with any other dads as there are none anywhere near my area.  I do however know of a few dads in different locations that have started training together. This is great as it forms friendships outside of the group with other guys that have things in common.

A typical day in my life looks like this: 

I work 50-60 hours a week over 5-6 days, I have a small family with a 3 year old daughter and I love to run, (oh and I also run an online running group with almost 600 members). Something has to give and of course most of the time its running. With such a busy lifestyle it can be extremely difficult to fit in my favourite pastime. Thankfully, my wife is also a runner and my daughter loves being out in the running pram. Yes, the running pram is a huge part of our life; as if I ran by myself I would never get to see my family. My family is a huge part of my life so it’s such a thrill that I get to share my passion with them.

A typical day for me consists of getting up early as work usually starts at around 7am. Work is generally a 10 hour day then it’s off to home, which is conveniently across the road. Home time is most of the week the first time I get to see my daughter unless it’s the 2 days she’s still at kindy. Now it’s run time which I’ve probably been dying for the most part of the day. So into the running gear I get, compression shorts on, RDOZ singlet on, Steigens on, CloudCruisers laced up, Garmin on the wrist and water bottle filled up.  That’s me and wifey done, now for the little munchkin. Snacks ready, water bottle filled and entertainment ready. Down to the car to get the pram out, strap her in water bottles in the holder, iPad turned on, our Stravas on and Garmin on. Wait for GPS signal, 3,2,1 and off we go. 10-15km done and its home for shower, dinner and family time.



By Adrian (RDOZ).