Hello there! My name is Krista, otherwise known as fithappymummy on Instagram and Fit Happy Mummy on Facebook.

I am the mother of Maverick, nearly 3, and Elkie 3 months.

I love to keep fit by going to the gym, and believe being fit for your children is extremely important. As much as we want to give our children everything, do everything with them and for them, I truly believe we need to take some time for ourselves in order for everything to run smoothly in life. For me, that is staying fit.

Exercise keeps me sane, it burns off my energy and sets me up for an amazing day! I try to exercise 5-6 days a week, this is me as I LOVE it but I recommend 3-5 sessions per week as perfectly enough!

Here are 5 of my top tips for staying fit:

1. Exercise does not have to be expensive nor be done at a gym – walk out to your back yard or your loungeroom and do something! Anything is better than nothing. You also do not know how to ‘train’ as such. We all know how to do a squat, or a push up, so move your bodies!

2. Get an app on your mobile phone – we all have phones these days so use it to your advantage. Search ‘interval timer’ through the app store and it will bring you a few good ones to use. Most are free. Set it up and all you need to do is push start and do your workout! Personally, one of my favourite ones to do at the moment is 100 x 20 second rounds with 5 seconds in between each exercise. It works out to be 40 minutes in total which is a bit longer than I would normally train for but I love it!

3. You do NOT need to exercise for an hour – as said, anything is better than nothing. I do a lot of 8 minute workouts from my ebook and these are enough to make me sweat, feel happy and carry on with my day.  Efficiency is best and gone are the days of spending 2 hours at the gym (for me!) I just could not do it! I try to get the most out of my workout in the time that I have.

4. Be accountable to someone, sign up to something, do a challenge or instead of just going for a playdate with a girlfriend and her children meet her at the park and turn it into something active.  Go for a powerwalk, then finish off at the park so the kiddies can play.  You and your girlfriend could then incorporate some exercises in, on or around the play equipment, or do some bodyweight exercises. Impromptu sessions made up are fine. Use your children as weights to carry etc if need be.

5. Believe in yourself! Most mothers, fortunately and unfortunately, put everyone before themselves.  So believe in yourself, you are good enough and you can do it.  Being a mother, whether you exercise or not keeps you very fit! Carrying a baby for 9 months and giving birth is one crazy ride too! So believe in yourself, you are already fit, you just may want to get fitter.

Next time you think you are weak just picture yourself getting out of the car with your children. If you are anything like me you will have children on hips, a hundred bags on each arm and keys in your mouth. What does your hubby have? Oh yeah, just himself! We are STRONG so believe it!


Happy Mummy Happy Children!


By Krista Dennis.